Guardian Air RGF QR+™ Model QRP-9 with BLUQR UV Light Kit Combo
QRP-9 Overview
RGF Environmental Group has re-designed the duct mounted PHI Cell from the previous models (HVAC-PHI-212GA and HVAC-PHI-212GA24). This latest model includes the latest in photohydroionization technology along with a toolless design for replacing the cell. Photohydroionization (PHI) in this unit produces hydro-peroxide ions; an airborne version of hydrogen peroxide molecules that destroys germs, bacteria and odors.
The Guardian Air RGF QR+™ typically mounts in the supply ductwork (downstream from the blower fan). It is designed to be "on" all the time, and is not recommended by the manufacturer to cycle "on and off" with the heating and cooling equipment. The normal life of the cell is approximately 25,000 hours. Replacement is recommended in the 2-3 year interval range.
The QRP-9 Model has a capacity of up to 6,500 cfm of air flow.
This item is a 24VAC (Volts AC) product. The manufacturer includes a foot mount transformer with this unit.
RGF BLU QR™ Multiple Mount UV-C Light Kit
BLU QR™ Overview
RGF’s quick release A/C coil ultraviolet treatment system will provide you with years of safe, dependable, economical UV light disinfection and protection of your AC coil surfaces from bacteria, virus, mold growth and odors resulting in a cleaner, more efficient energy-saving system.
UV treatment systems installed in an air conditioner coil utilize a standard UV-C 254 nm wavelength bulb. UV-C has been used as a disinfectant since the 1930s and is still used in medical, pharmaceutical and industrial applications. RGF has been a leader in the use of UV in the medical, food and industrial applications for over 25 years with senior staff experience dating back to the 1960s.
BLU QR™ Specifications
Standard Waterproof Lamp Connector
Quick Release Lamp Replacement
Multiple Installation Options Including Magnetic Mount
Reduces System Maintenance
Improves Indoor Air Quality
Reduces Bacteria, Mold Growth and Viruses
Reduces Odors
Blu QR™ Additional Information
No Tools Lamp Replacement
Designed with Contractor Input
Four Mounting Options Included
If you would prefer this same model WITH the wall plug 120VAC/24VAC transformer;
click here--->QRP-9 WITH Wall Plug Power Supply Combo<---
See the manufacturer's description;
click here--->Manufacturer's Description<---
Model - QRP-9-BLUQR
Guardian Air QRP-9
BLUQR UV Light Kit
Color of power supply may vary.