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Customer Testimonial Ken W

On 11/9/2010 2:55 PM, Ken W wrote:

Recently, when a rather expensive part in my heatpump failed and was replaced by my HVAC Service Company for the third time, I decided to take matters into my own hands and order a replacement part and, if and when the part failed again, to replace it myself. The cost of the part and the service call was in excess of $200 in the past. Finding the part on the Internet, a somewhat unusual large capacitor, turned out to be a daunting task. The few places where I did find the capacitor charged more than my HVAC repair company. Continued searching lead me to <http://www.hvac-parts-online.com>. Although I did not see the part online I contacted Jeff Hunt, the Manager of HVAC Parts Online via email and he agreed to search for the part from his suppliers. In a day Mr. Hunt contacted me with the news he had found the part and quoted a price considerably better than the HVAC company's price.

I ordered the part and quickly received it. I then called Mr. Hunt to thank him and during our conversation I mentioned that I bought my somewhat expensive filters online, again at a price better than the HVAC service company. He asked if he could quote a price to see if he could equal or do better on pricing than my current source.

We quickly established that he could provide a better price than my current supplier and I gladly order a case of the filters. Again, true to his word I quickly received the filters at the quoted price.

I am extremely impressed with the personal service I received for what, to me, seemed a small order. Beyond that, in speaking to Mr. Hunt is quickly became apparent that he knows HVAC! I wasn't corresponding with the usual "order-taker", but a knowledgeable technician with the all-too-rare old-fashioned work ethic. He and his company deliver what they promise and are genuinely concerned with customer satisfaction. How many companies/businesses can you say that about these days? Sadly, very, very few.

I recommend HVAC Parts Online and Mr. Jeff Hunt as a honest, ethical and technically savvy company with which to do business.


Ken W.
Etowah, NC